Saturday 12 October 2024

A new improved version of the 'Kindred Sprits' quiz - now with 12 species to choose from!

Saturday 1 June 2024

Experience: Volume Seven of Kindred Spirits Now Available To Buy As Paperback or E-Book


A thousand years of war, peace, love and hiccups through the eyes of the first ten children born after intergalactic contact - Maggrumph edition. It's a whole new way of looking at the universe we thought we knew...

Moana was the first Maggrumph to be born in the age of interstellar contact, when the ten great civilisations first made contact with each other. Soon he’s rubbing shoulders with other children from other planets as part of a new holovision series ‘The ITGang’ designed to commemorate this new bold and brilliant future and teach the rest of the universe how such very different and very alien aliens (sorry, ‘off-worlders’) can get along. Soon he’s thrown into a whirlwind of television broadcasts and publicity that he hopes will promote intergalactic brotherhood and friendship but mostly seems to be promoting themselves. Moana doesn’t make friends easily and soon finds himself the odd one out, with a very different vision of what the programme should be to his new friends, Belobrat presenter and HS20 sponsors. For while Moana’s need for honesty and his heart is in the right place his antlers aren’t and a mysterious illness keeps him apart from everyone too, seeing him stuck at home while all his friends go off to enjoy the fruits of the universe. Moana thinks his life is over before it’s begun, but soon he finds he’s right at the heart of all five flashpoints in the universe’s connected intergalactic history: his accident of birth forever linked with the time Enwin and Lizzie revealed to the universe the presence of life on other planets, an onlooker to the riots led by the Intergalactic Peace orchestra on Mras that led to the overthrow of tyrant Almathea, a participant in the Agrosian wars fought by President Eleron, a supporter of the discovery of the poisonous red weed created by unscrupulous companies by the children of Orpheneous and involved the day Earth tyrant Chyren turned the universe upside down. But will the universe listen to a washed-up Maggrumph when he’s needed? Will Moana get the life he craves and find the fulfilment he always dreamed of, with the love of his life and their eleven very different adopted children and pet argibraffe on a whole new planet way out in the countryside, or will life just get in the way again? And what is the mysterious object discovered in the moat next to his house? More than just another novel, ‘Experience’ is yet another mad house, a love song to the ups and downs of life and the hope that one day we can all find our equilibrium and lead a life to look back on and be proud of.

Available to buy on all planets as a paperback or as an e-book

View the trailer here:  

Missed the first six volumes? You can buy five of them all together in one handy guide to all the flash-points of saving the universe over the next 500 years with 'Convergence' and read about many of the events in this book from a very different perspective

Plus volume six 'Obedience' - 

 An Argibraffe? At university?!? A space war?!?!? Crystal Skulls?!?!?!? Space Dinosaurs?!?!?!?!?!? 500 Years on from intergalactic contact and it feels like the universe has gone mad. What it really needs is a re-set button...

Get spending your moolah here! (Most intergalactic currencies accepted - Euros, Dollars, Pounds, Belalira and Universos. sadly not available with Doosbury food vouchers at this time)

Plus which alien are you? Agrosian, Belobrat, Camalosian, Clandusprod, Doosbury Giant, Habridat, Magrumph, Mekkion or Mrasianart?Take our quiz here

Friday 24 November 2023

Obedience: Mundi Geniturae - Which Alien/Space Dinosaur Star Sign Are You?


For reasons best known to Amazon they wouldn't print the 'Mundi Geniturae' astrological wheel as discovered in an agrhinx on an alien planet and featured in the new book 'Obedience', signs of an ancient civilisation. Ever wondered why there are twelve astrolgical houses? That's because that's how many species of aliens there are silly! You don't really need it to understand the book or anything but I thought readers would enjoy seeing it here and working out which sign and space dinosaur (yes, space will make sense when you read the book...err honest!) they are:

My Mekkion translator circuit has revealed the following comparisons with Earthly astrology

March 21st-April 19th: Aries: Agrosians: Ferox : Velociraptors

The era of the Ferox is a time of new beginnings and changes. Named for the God of War in the words of the ancient tongue, the people of the Ferox tend to be exciting, enthusiastic, wild, energetic, red, fluffy, direct, emotional and a little untamed. Symbolised in the stars by a cluster of furry lines holding a tiny spear, they are regarded as fierce warriors to whom battles and victories come easily. Many of the universe’s greatest leaders have this sign in their chart and in physical appearances Feroxes tend to be small, red and fluffy with wide gnashing teeth and a habit of hopping from foot to foot when they get excited. The original people of this sign came from far outside the side of the universe that the rest of us inhabit, as if they belonged to another civilisation entirely that do things so differently to the rest of us that they are destined to shake the rest of the planets up. Living through a Ferox era traditionally means a tower moment when comfortable cosy living comes to an end and horizons are widened, with new beginnings started – often against our will. During these times a direct and assertive combative approach is recommended, while diplomatic discussions, both personal and intergalactic, are under strain.

April 20th-May 20th:
Taurus: Doosbury Giants: Esurientes : Stegosauruses

The era of the Esurientes is a time of stability and progress. Named for the ancient mythological character that came to the universe’s last supper and had sixteen helpings in a row, the Esurientes are a sturdy, reliable people who are solid in more ways than one. Of all the twelve signs they are the most soil-bound and aware of their bodies rather than living in their minds the way some other types do. They appreciate their creature comforts and think that the rest of the universe would be happier if they stopped and relished the things around them more. Particularly relish, as they are always trying to spice the bland parts of their lives up. Generally Esurientes are loyal and supportive and enthusiastic with lots of friends, but their natural ebullience hides a shy and sensitive side they keep from the universe at large. Though generally sweet and patient, sometimes when provoked they can turn sour, their mood quickly changing from feeding the universe with the food of kindness to a food fight that can quickly get out of control. When the universe enters a Esurientes cycle it is generally a time to replenish and rest, a time to enjoy yourself as you adapt to new surroundings and stock up on the energy and fuel you need for more difficult times to come. Those born in the age of the Esurientes tend to be larger than most and have round tummies. 

May 21st-June 21st: Gemini: Humans: Errare : Diplodocuses

The era of the Errare is the era of the hybrid, of discovering that life is complicated and contradictory, full of nuances and complexities and of being pulled in separate directions at once by different impulses. Errares face a lifetime of working out how to co-ordinate their hearts and their minds, of how to be emotionally and intellectually open all at the same time, even when their senses contradict each other. Green and over-large, many Erarres are endearingly clumsy physically but mentally are full of sharp, quick minds that are capable of amazing feats, multi-taskers who can head in several different life directions at once. Errares never know where they are going next or who they’re going to be from one moment of time to another, finding it hard to reconcile yesterdays or prepare for tomorrows. They are also interested in people and like nothing better than to discuss opinions. Indeed, it was once thought that the people of the Errare had to keep talking because if they ever stopped then their brains would stop working, but it turns out that instead they just have a lot of interests and passions and a need to explore them all, often simultaneously. Sometimes, because of the many pulls on their interests Errares can be seen as shallow, but as befits their contradictory nature these people can also love too deeply and there is surely a cosmic reason that this of all signs was given the gift of emotional release in the form of tears. During the time of the Errares, then, citizens are likely to have many friends and satisfying career ventures, but also feel their time is pulled in many different directions with multiple changes of career and emotional realisations and hardships alongside moments of pure unbridled joy. Those born in the age of the Erarre come in a vast array of colours, shapes and sizes and possess a little of everything.  

June 22nd-July 22nd: Cancer: Glabdihardit: Arguta : Tyrannosaurus Rexes

The era of the Arguta is one of high emotion, a time split between sobbing and napping, to experience every extreme that the universe has to offer from the securest feeling of safety to the greatest scariest primal fear – often simultaneously. Those living in Arguta times tend, like the Argutans themselves, to stay close to home and be reluctant to leave their tables or compromise their safety, for this is the only place in the universe where they feel truly safe. Argutans are sensitive and sweet and empathetic, are huge believers in communal huddles, people who would give you the fur off their back if they thought that it would help you. Despite their anxious nature, they can fight if there’s something they want strongly and can stubbornly cling to what they want if they want it bad enough, be it old habits, ideals, loved ones or leafy green vegetables. Small and fluffy, Agrutans have a good chance of making a big impact on the universe – once they are brave enough to venture outside into it. Argutans love surrounding themselves with interesting objects with a history or something that makes them feel nostalgic and their table-tops are often full of knick-knacks from both their past and other people’s. They are also especially good at finances, for they know the value of objects as well as people and place high esteem on things that help them feel safe, such as having the best tables in the universe, for they believe in the old adage that an Argutan’s table-top is their castle. Those born in the age of the Arguta tend to be small and squeaky and look like little balls of fur.

June 23rd-August 22nd: Leo: Belobrat: Mulinus: Triceratops

The era of the Mulinus is to have faith in your abilities, as if you are arriving at the point in the universe when everything appears synchronised and where you can start to believe that you are special and important. To the point where you want to share your knowledge and your gifts with the rest of the world. Whether it wants you to or not. Though Mulinuses can be distracted, pulled in three ways or more at once, they are also so confident and sure in their gifts that they can be single-minded, offering them to the universe unimpeded, bringing them many admirers who love to bask in the light of their glow.  For, like the sun on whatever planet they’re from, Mulinuses shine brightly and rise every morning, determined to make the most out of their small corner of the world, any world, whether they really are working at the highest level in the land or are just daydreaming that they will be, some day. Mulinuses live in a black-and-white world and only ever seem to have strong friends or enemies, capable of great selflessness and loyalty to those they get on with but also capable of great hurt and deception to those they consider to have wronged them in some way, whether they have or not. Natural leaders, Mulinuses are at their best when inspiring people to follow them in anything they do and many great leaders in history have had a dash of Mulinus in their chart.  Those born in the era of Mulinus are proud and strong and may have more than one head.


August 23rd-September 23rd: Virgo: Argibraffe: Novum: Titanosauruses

The era of the Novum is a time for new things, for embracing fresh beginnings and opportunities that appear out of nowhere, ones that like those born under this sign are filled with purity and innocence. Novums have a new way of looking at the world that can lead to several new discoveries even though they themselves are a bit of a mongrel of everything: warm and cold all at the same time, sensitive and aloof, logical and practical yet driven by their emotions. Though modest, shy and by nature cautious, their very self-doubt and perfectionism make Novums excellent leaders and though they don’t seek the spotlight in life they can rise to the big occasion when by chance the spotlight ends up shining on them all the same. Their only downside is their perfectionism and need for control of life events that cannot by their very nature be controlled, always chasing the elusive happiness that always lies just beyond their snout. The time of the Novum can be a confusing one, so it is best for people of all species living through it if they remain present in the moment and open to new experiences and what they might be able to learn from them. Those born in the age of the Novum are something of a clean slate, with big wide eyes and a natural blank expression that hide the fact that they soak up information from all their senses like a sponge, using it to navigate the latest path life is taking them down, often against their will.

September 23rd-October 23rd: Libra: Clandusprod: Amica: Brontosauruses

The era of the Amica is one of friendliness and openness, a sociable and enthusiastic time when people are more helpful and co-operative than usual. Those born in the time of the Amica are elegant and intelligent and their ability to see things from many sides at once brings them many friends. They are also good diplomats and peace-makers, always ready to champion the under-braffe and see that fairness and justice prevail. However because of this they struggle to cope sometimes with the darker forces out there in the world and frequently find themselves passengers in life, trapped in the back seat of journeys taken by drivers to places they don’t really want to go, too indecisive to choose a direction of their own. Amicas struggle to make important life decisions and seem ever poised on the edge of making a commitment that never comes, always dancing on the edge of debates and holding multiple points of view and following those they last spoke to, something which can be frustrating to more forceful signs. Team players through and through, their friendliness and accommodating ways make them popular, but they struggle to do things under their own steam, although they can be surprisingly forceful and determined when pushed into a corner by unplanned life situations, although it would have to be an extreme incident indeed to push them beyond their traditional veneer of composed graceful control. The effect is rather like that of the grizallah bird: serene on the surface, but using a lot of effort to even tread water below it. Those born in the age of Amica tend to be big and round and jolly with spots and a distinctive waddle.

October 23rd-November 22nd: Scorpio: Maggrumph: Asper: Cantaursauruses

The age of the Asper is a time when the boundaries between worlds and dimensions are narrow and easily broken, so that the ordinary is turned inside out to become extraordinary and the extraordinary commonplace enough to become ordinary. The Aspers themselves are pretty remarkable, capable of intense feelings that they mask behind brusqueness or rudeness that makes them come across as abrupt or volatile, always on the verge of an explosion. Really, though, it’s just a cover for their intense emotions, the release for their inner passion and intensity that also makes them loyal and capable of great empathy. This makes the Aspers poetic yet abrupt, able to see the vastness of life but unable or unwilling to communicate about it in detail. It can be hard to get beyond an Asper’s horns, designed to keep friend and foe away alike, but once you do you are seen as a true part of the Asper’s herd that he or she guards at all costs. Behind their antlers they can be very deer, in both meanings of the word, cute little beings that want to frolic but are so struck by the vast black depths of the universe that keep running through their head that they can’t help but re-act strangely to it. Always in tune with their surroundings and brimming with intensity, Aspers have an expressive voice when they choose to use it, even if they have a habit of speaking in poetry when the rest of us are reduced to prose and clipped brusque sentences when the rest of us are deep in monologues. The rest of the time Aspers are content to stay quiet – and if they go quiet on you too often then that is a sign that you should run! Those born in the age of the Asper tend to be slim and athletic, with large antlers sticking out the tops of their heads.  

November 22nd-December 22nd: Sagittarius: Habridats: Somnolentus: Pterodactyls

The era of the Somnolentus is a brief period of relaxation in the middle of an era of chaos, a time of harvest for all the hard work sowed across the rest of the year. Somnolentuses are relaxed, laidback to the point of sleep, beings who travel light without the baggage that other signs carry around with them, because they know deep down that life will provide for them when they need it to. They see worry as a waste of time when they could be merrily making plans, firing arrows into the air from their wings and even though they know their ambitions won’t bear fruit that some of them will and it is easier to nurture those than worry about what didn’t grow. Nevertheless it would be wrong to say that they are so relaxed they don’t care about anything, for all true somnulentuses are driven by a drive and instinct that can see them change their entire way of living overnight, changing houses, jobs, even whole planets when the mood of wanderlust takes them. Somnolentuses are life’s optimists, believing that something will always provide for them if they are brave enough to take a step into the great unknown. Somnolentuses are fiercely protective of their independence, hate the idea of restrictions and barely tolerate routines – for them life is something to take as it comes, without any long term goals or plans, for they all know that life will change their plans and change them anyway as soon as they are made. For them the gain is always equal to the risk, although their perfectionist natures limit just how many risks they are willing to take – especially when they could just take a nap instead. In this time of the Somnolentus it is imperative to go with the flow and go where life takes you without resisting rather than trying to steer against the tide – that way you might end up at a different destination to the one you intended when you set out but you will at least be further down the road. Those born in the age of Somnolentus are contradictions, looking greatly athletic but of all the signs they are the ones most likely to fall asleep, keeping their strength for flying long journeys even if those journeys never come. 

December 22nd-January 19th: Capricorn: Camalosian: Piam: Brachiasaurus

The age of the Piam is one that sees great reward and accomplishment, but only after a time of supreme effort. Stable and serious, the people born in this age share traits of reliability and steadfastness, able to get impossible amounts of work done that would scare flightier beings. At the same time, though, they also possess a stubborn streak and can be quite pedantic when left to their own devices, unable to relax or enjoy the comforts of other beings. Piams are sticklers for rules and love tradition and the thought of doing things the same way they have always been done, even when following such rules makes them sad or restricted. Underneath it all most Piams yearn most of all for the time when they feel free to let themselves go and enjoy the moment, which is why they prepare so hard for it – even though they can be preparing so hard the moment never comes. The opposite to the Somnolentuses, Piams struggle to go with the flow and like to be in complete control of their lives, maintaining routines and seeking order as they hate to be surprised by anything, even though the amount of responsibility they generally take on means that they are forever being surprised by something, usually other people whom the Piams don’t understand at all. They think the universe would be much simpler if only they were in it, getting on quietly with their work, even though the contradiction is that almost all the work they do is intended to be benevolent and for the benefit of other people and not themselves because the Piams are a very generous species. Beneath the routines and the restrictions too lurks a party animal who, for the people lucky enough to get closest to them, is great fun and wonderful company, these beings an entirely different on the rare occasions when responsibility has been taken over by another. Those born in this era tend to be green and scaly and frequently shed their own skin.

January 20th-February 17th: Aquarius: Mekkion: Definitur: Apatasauruses

The age of the Definitur is to seek the truth and logic in all its forms, to go beyond what people say and the false promises they make to seeing through who they really are. The people born under this sign tend to be independent, using their own brains to come to their own conclusions and their own value systems instead of taking anything on trust and this sign is known for using more of their brain capacity than most others. Where other types can be beings of the past or present Definiturs are always thinking about tomorrow, embracing new possibilities and developments, especially technological ones. At times their emotions can get the better of them and yet at other times they are beings of pure logic, cutting themselves off from their emotions entirely. Or they will surprise themselves by veering between the two extremes. Exacting by nature, they are free-wheeling idealists who don’t believe in sticking rigidly to traditions and the way things are always done for the sake of it and who further believe that the purpose of life is to evolve and grow, to better yourself and improve the world you live in where you can – even to the extent of travelling to new ones when you outgrow them, without the emotional attachment of nostalgia shared by other signs. To be alive at the time of the Definitur is to be experience a time of constant change, one where progress is made at a swift pace and revelations from yesteryear come to the surface in a new surrounding. The people born to this age tend to be have a metallic pallor and a walk that makes them look as if their spark plugs are constantly sparking.  


February 18th-March 20th: Pisces: Mrasianart: Intuitivia: Spinosauruses

The age of the Intuitiva is where all things come to an end. Temporarily or permanently? Nobody really knows – all we know that this is the final cycle, when civilisations take stock of everything they have learnt so far while preparing for the new beginnings to be born out of the ashes of the old ways, forever caught in a tug of war between the two. Maybe that is why their symbol is a giant eye made up of lines that look as if they are being broken in a tug of war, pulled in two across the universe. The people born under this sign feel as if they have learned all these life lessons from past history: they tend to be spiritual and mystical, with an innate instinctive understanding of how the universe works and an ability to express it in art, even if they often struggle to find their place in a universe they feel wasn’t built for them. Sensitive, kind and empathetic, these beings can sense everything about both the world around them and the people in it without even having to think and it can feel as if the borders between them and other signs are thinner, as if they can understand everything that’s really going on in the universe naturally. This does however mean that they can also be strongly influenced and dominated by louder, more assertive signs who assume they know what’s going on but haven’t learned as many life lessons yet. Deeply creative but woefully impractical, Intuitivas are driven by an inner sixth sense that leads them on a crazy-paving life path, as if lead by an invisible hand on their collar that leads them not to where they ought to be but where, most often, they need to be. In an age of Intuitiva everything learnt on life’s journey must be used for there may not be another chance before the great cycle completes again. As for appearance Intuitivas tend to be tall and thin with open-stretched wings and antenna on their foreheads.

Obedience: Volume Six of Kindred Spirits Now Available To Buy As paperback or E-Book


 'Obedience', the 6th (standalone) volume in the 'Kindred Spirits' series is now for sale! 

 An Argibraffe? At university?!? A space war?!?!? Crystal Skulls?!?!?!? Space Dinosaurs?!?!?!?!?!? 500 Years on from intergalactic contact and it feels like the universe has gone mad. What it really needs is a re-set button...

Dotty the spotty pet argibraffe thinks she knows what the future holds: walking round the park, a bit of digging in the flower-beds, doing what she’s told (mostly) and living in the moment. However she has a secret obsession when her Human owners aren’t looking: the history broadcasts on the holovision. Soon Dotty finds that her life has changed, that she’s been enrolled as the first argibraffe student at Clandusprod Community College under the dotty Mrasianart Professor Edulearn, that the park is on an alien world and the dig is on an abandoned planet full of mysterious remains. A combination of events involving a crazed Human tyrant with a device that can turn whole worlds upside down, a talking crystal skull that only Dotty can hear and the attempted murder of her and her new friends means that soon Dotty isn’t just studying history but making it. In an era when even humanity has stopped taking humanities can a sentient pet really obtain a degree – especially when other species are kicking up such a fuss about it? Can Dotty trust her new and often, well, alien flatmates and be truly independent without her owners? How will Dotty’s team fare in the intergalactically-admired TV Quiz Universally Challenged with Maggrumph host Jeremy Paxgrumph? Can Dotty ascend just when the rest of the universe is descending into chaos? Will the twelve intergalactic species ever break free from a cycle of destruction and rebuilding, learning the lessons of the past so as not to repeat them in the future? Can someone who wasn’t even allowed on the furniture a week ago really save the entire known universe? And just where do a lost civilisation of cosmic dinosaurs fit into all this? The sixth volume in the ‘Kindred Spirits’ series, ‘Obedience’ is another mad house, a love song to history and how our ever present past can lead us to answers in our future, even when asking questions we never thought to ask.
Available to buy on all planets as a paperback or an e-book

Missed the first five volumes? Then why not buy them all together in one handy guide to all the flash-points of saving the universe over the next 500 years with 'Convergence' 

A collection of the first five volumes of the 'Kindred Spriits' series, covering 500 years of a future where the Human race has made intergalactic contact with eleven types of very different alien: the aggressive Agrosians, the pet-like Argibraffes, the bossy Belobrats, the erudite Camalosians, the friendly Clandusprods, the hungry Doosbury Giants, the scared Glabdihardits, the relaxed Habridats, the brusque Maggrumphs, the technology driven Mekkions  and the spiritual Mrasianarts. In a universe this complicated how can peace ever be simple?

The stories include:
Endurance - Romeo and Juliet with Clandusprods. Only she's already dead - and he's dying. How can the universe survive the first brush of intergalactic catastrophe when the couple who were fated to save it can never be together?

Insurgence - Earthling Eleanor moves to Mras to start a new life and finds a new love and a new purpose, especially when she has a son. But when just existing is enough to start an act of rebellion, being an off-worlder playing in an intergalactic peace orchestra is enough to start a revolution and soon her life and those that she loves are in danger.  

Province - A hundred years on and Eleron is all grown up and the leader of the Intergalactic Peace Organisation. He's found happiness at last: he has the perfect wife, the perfect job and lives in a near-perfect universe. Until some furry red aliens from the other side of the universe arrive and turn his world upside down, testing his belief in diplomacy and trust to the limit. Can a rush around a fragmenting universe stop the invaders in time?

Ensconce - Life isn't easy when you're ten and transported to an alien orphanage. It's even harder when your teacher's a Maggrumph with a short fuse, your headmaster has three heads and the adults are using you as a test subject for their new invention: red weed. Will the eleven alien children and their pet argibraffe survive to adulthood in one piece?

Abundance - Twelve aliens, six couples, an intergalactic dating service and a reality TV series in desperate trouble lead to half a dozen very different stories that are all about the one thing in the universe that's truly universal: love.

Available to buy on all planets as an e-book (it's too big for a paperback!) 

Plus which alien are you? Agrosian, Belobrat, Camalosian, Clandusprod, Doosbury Giant, Habridat, Magrumph, Mekkion or Mrasianart?Take our quiz here

Sunday 23 July 2023

Insurgence - Advert


Insurgence - Kindred Spirits Advert, Earth edition beamed from Mras via future time portal.

Buy the book in paperback or e-book format at the Amazon link here or listen to the audiobook here

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Kindred Spirits Audiobooks now up at Youtube!

Yes that's right, now you can hear all five volumes out in the 'Kindred Spirits' series so far as recorded by the real aliens themselves from the future - sent back in time via a wormhole to Earth in the present day! You can hear them at our Youtube channel Alan's Album Archives: Alan's Album Archives - YouTube or by paying the following playlists directly:


Romeo and Juliet. With Clandusprods. Only she’s already dead – and he’s dying.A match quite literally made in Heaven? Divine intervention? The last great exploration of humanity? Or characteristic bad luck? Lizzie ends her life, only to find it has only just begun, stuck in the mind of a species she has never met before. But is the person she was put with the one she was always born to be with or just another of many mistakes in her life? Will the discovery of each other’s planets be good or catastrophic in the future of their two species? Will they endure and go on and win? Or are they both doomed to a life of failure after all? More than just another novel, ‘Endurance’ is a mad house, a love song to the act of writing and a hope that one day it might just save us all. Insurgence:

War and Peace. With Mrasianarts. Only she’s on an alien planet – and someone wants her and her fellow off-worlders dead. A hundred years after the events of ‘Endurance’ and the ten intelligent species in the known galaxy all know and respect each other – but some of those in charge on those ten planets are having a hard time accepting this brave new world and are still caught up in their petty global affairs. When just existing is enough to start an act of rebellion, being an off-worlder playing in a peace orchestra seems to be enough to start a revolution. That’s what worries the Mrasianart authorities, who turn the deep-thinking world of Mras on its head with petty fears and injustices through their glorified telepathical internet, ‘the universal’. Eleanor’s long journey across the galaxy from Earth to her new home is far more exciting than she ever expected, full as it is with love for a local, violence, cultural tests, exams, knitting Clandusprods, corruptible Belobrat peace delegates and giving birth to the universe’s first Humrasian. Together the Peace Orchestra find themselves socking it to the man – or in this case one particular alien – in a desperate fight to avoid deportation or worse. It’s all quite an adventure – one she isn’t sure she wants to take after what happened to her back home but which leaves her never quite the same simple human again. ‘Insurgence’ is, like prequel ‘Endurance’, another mad house, a love song to the art of music this time and a hope that one day it might just save us all. Includes extracts from the Intergalactic Song Contest and the 23rd century hit 'We Are All One Universe And We're Only Several Billion Light Years Apart'. Province:

The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire. With ten sets of friendly aliens and one ferocious enemy from outside the known universe A hundred years on from ‘Insurgence’ and Humrasianart Eleron is the new president of The Intergalactic Peace Organisation. He should be happy – he has the perfect wife, the perfect job and lives in a near-perfect universe where nothing has gone wrong for years. However, the newly terraformed planet Decreeta is more likely to induce war in Eleron and his colleagues. That’s especially true when a new breed of species named Agrosians from the unknown side of the universe come across an Earth shuttle with a mysterious disc full of music and quickly turns his plans for peace and diplomacy upside down. Only a race against time around the ten existing planets and enlisting their co-operation stands between the newly formed peace organisation and the Agrosians ruled by their merciless Queen Calixta enslaving our half of the universe. Will everyone learn to work together in time? Just what is the mysterious Belobrat ex-head of the IPO up to? Will Eleron get to rescue his Mrasianbrat wife? Will his military general stop squeaking and come out from under his desk? Will vice-president Horace ever wake up and do some work?!? And if Eleron gets back home will things ever be the same for him again? More than just another novel, ‘Province’ is a mad house, a love song to the act of, erm, politics (what?!?) and a hope that one day it might just save us all. Ensconce:

A hundred years on from ‘Province’ and peace feels much easier. Even The Agrosians have become less aggressive. Well, slightly. The discovery of red weed, a new substance mined from all eleven inhabited planets, by unscrupulous adults spells bad news though – for the universe in general but specifically for the group of eleven children who have been sent to a new international school on Orpheus. They all seem to have something wrong with them, but not everything was meant to be cured and some things can never be, certainly not with red weed. New girl Robin fears her dyspraxia will stop her getting any friends, but when her friends are an introvert invertebrate Camalosian who never speaks, an insecure Belobrat, a cynical Habridat, a Glabdiharbit with multiple phobias, a Doosbury Giant with an eating disorder, a polite Agrosian, a co-dependent Clandusprod, an unbeliever Mrasianart, a Maggrumph bully and a Mekkion who keeps blowing emotional fuses she feels less out of place than she did on Earth. Though their teachers want to keep them enclosed in their Great Hall the children want to explore the universe, starting with the first ever International Games that’s just taking place on Decreeta. Will the children learn to get along? Can they trust any of the adults who seem to get stranger every day? Who will listen to them if they can find out what’s going on? Will they survive corruption, shuttle-flights, ice planets, burning buildings, bombs, pyramid sellers, Doosbury Operas, their own teachers and the scariness of approaching adulthood in one piece? More than just another novel, ‘Ensconce’ is yet another mad house, a love song to childhood and the hope that one day if adults actually stopped moaning and listened to their off-spring then it might just save us all.Abundance:

Space comes in fifty shades of black. Twelve aliens, six couples, one dating service and one reality TV series both in desperate trouble. Buster the Belobrat thinks he knows about true love so can’t understand why viewers are leaving his new reality TV show ‘Love Planet’ in droves. Nova, the head of the Human branch of the Intergalactic Dating agency, knows exactly where he’s been going wrong and sets out to teach him using six examples from her company’s history; six couples made up of the twelve species that exist in the known universe: An argibraffe pet who falls in love with a Human Spice Girls tribute singer in a tale of treachery, deceit and sleeping Habridats A Camalosian actor in a long running science fiction series who falls in love for his Maggrumph colleague while running up and down corridors with everyone’s favourite Time Rodent. An Agrosian and a Belobrat who are meant to be signing their divorce papers but who end up wondering about missed opportunities and second chances instead A clumsy Clandusprod and a malfunctioning Mekkion who start long distance and end up as close as any couple can be The voyages of ensigns Yoko Glabdihardit and Hamish Habridat, new trainees on the Well Fed-eration’s mission to boldly track down recipes where nobody has tracked them before A Mrasianart ‘Medium’ who deals in futures and his ‘Extra Large’ Doosbury Giant friend who lives for the present, where neither of them want to remember their past But is Buster all that he seems? For that matter is Nova? And why are there two pages of sponsorship advertisements at the back of the book?!? So make a date with these six stories of romance between twelve very different beings and see how love changed all their lives – and in the Doosbury Giants’ case their lunches - forever. For what could be more universal in such a varied universe than love? More than just another collection of short stories, ‘Ensconce’ is yet another mad house, a love song to love and the lengths that the universe goes to in order to put the right people together at the right time which might yet save us all. Happy listening, from all the Agrosians, Argibraffes, Belobrats, Camalosians, Clandusprods, Doosbury Giants, Glabdihardits, Habridats, Humans, Maggrumphgs, Mekkions and Mrasianarts involved in the making of these adventures.