Saturday, 22 February 2025

Meet the 'Kindred Spirits' aliens...again (this time with illustrations!



After so many years of carrying these aliens around in my head I am beyond thrilled to introduce my readers to them all over again via the wonderful illustrations by the incredibly talented 'Under A Dreamer's Moon'. So to show them off to you all properly here's an updated version of the 'Welcome To The Universe' feature from all the books (now re-issued with these illustrations!)  Please note: these books are only 'out now' if you're buying from March 1st!!! 

Illustrations by Under A Dreamer's Moon © Ramblers Rest Publishing 2025

The Agrosians: 

Formerly fierce warriors from the planet Agrosia ruled by their Queen Calixta, since her defeat they have become hard working citizens of the universe renowned for their building skills. After centuries of breeding, however, many still have a temper. They are red, short, fluffy and cute looking, though they are very much not! The Agrosians arrive (and how!) in book three 'Province'. 

The Argibraffes: 

Not much is known about these creatures yet – they just turned up one day on Habridas. They resemble dogs with long necks and snouts, but since emigrating to other planets many have developed different colourings including spots, stripes and – on parts of Earth - tartan. Though effectively pets, many are showing strong signs of intelligence in the past couple of centuries and becoming sentient. One even starts talking in book six 'Obedience'. 

The Belobrats:

One of the oldest species in the known universe from the planet 'Hellosphere', The Belobrats have long secretly considered themselves the universe’s natural rulers. Though they consider themselves shy and reticent, the rest of the species have other ideas and consider them bossy and more than a little egocentric. This may be due to their trio of heads, unique in the universe, where one head is always controlling their 'ego', another their 'thoughts' and another their 'social' instincts; with so much confusion between their three selves the Belobrats often get their social niceties wrong. 

The Camalosians:

More reserved than the rest of the known galaxy, the Camalosians from Camalosia tend to speak in extraordinary elongated sentences. They love paperwork, being known throughout the species as the universe's best lawyers, tending to aspire to positions of great authority. They are biologically similar to Earthly reptiles like chameleons, but have much shorter tongues and come in a variety of colours rather than simply green, with different layers of skin that they shed as they age. 

The Clandusprods:

The first aliens we meet, from the planet Zigorous 3, so named after the three suns that circle their world, the Clandusprods are known for being friendly and kind. Their social system is a cross between socialism and Marxism and there is much emphasis on community, with Clandusprod young divided into different clans depending on their aptitude at an early age. Zigorous 3 is covered in caves and the vast majority of clandusprods retain them for their homes. However far from being Neanderthal they are second only to the Mekkions in terms of technology, using solar-powered crystals for most of their inventions. Their appearance is similar to milky-tea coloured long-necked spotted giraffes, but they tend to be much larger and rounder and their hide much thicker to keep out the harmful rays of the sun. Many in both genders enjoy knitting after they reach the age of the Clanopause, while many adult Clandusprods become Sprodparents.

The Doosbury Giants:

The gourmands of the galaxy, the Doosburys from Dooseus tend to refer to themselves as just that, but the moniker 'Doosbury Giants' has stuck since a chance encounter in the myths and legends of the Belobrats. Gentle giants, with a large calorie intake due to being born on a gas giant planet, Doosberries tend to underestimate their own strength and are calm, caring creatures who can always be relied upon in a crisis (even if, compared to the rest of the universe, they tend not to be that bright). They are twice the size of the next biggest creatures in the universe (Clandusprods) and spend much of their spare time eating or swapping recipes. 

The Glabdihardits:

Small pika-like rodent creatures from a planet once ruled by now-extinct giant slugs, Glabdihardits are the survivors of the galaxy having gone from being the smallest of many creatures on their home planet Glabdihardis to the only species left alive. Though larger than they used to be, they remain the smallest creatures in the known universe and are still more than a little wary of all the other beings that now exist. Though friendly, they are naturally fearful and reluctant to get involved in the affairs of other planets. Their past times consist of hiding under tables, eating vegetables and running away from loud noises. 

The Habridats:

The Habridats of Habridas have a habit of passing through life at a relaxed pace and doing as little work as possible while enjoying practical jokes. Scholars have wondered if this is because their planet is so close to their sun that it is always hot on their planet. They were once voted ‘funniest aliens of the 24th century’ but were too lazy to accept the award. They are slightly larger than Humans and appear like giant beakless birds, with exotic plumages of feathers. 

The Humans:

(Nearly) hairless apes with a tendency to start wars, Humans are the youngest species in the known galaxy and are still considered a little immature by their peers - not least for their continued insistence on outdated social systems, monarchies, governments, tribal wars and environmental chaos. All that notwithstanding, their planet Earth is a known hotspot for intergalactic travelling due to its natural beauty and variety.  Their music, particularly that of the 1960s, is also widely regarded as the peak of art and culture anywhere in the known universe. 

The Maggrumphs:

Residents of the planet Maggrumphus, the Maggrumphs are often called the 'old codgers' of the universe behind their backs due to their tendency to be abrupt, their beliefs in tradition and their long-standing social systems built on the art of complaints rather than conversation. Their language is less developed than most with each family speaking only in their own ‘rhymes’. Humanoid in appearance except for the giant antlers that stretch out of the back of their heads. 

The Mekkions:

Not much is known about the Mekkion’s early years, but some cosmic disaster in their earlier years led them to experiment with genetic engineering and technology, creating part-robot hybrids. The Mekkions are strong logical thinkers who struggle to cope with their emotions (it tends to wear their batteries down and in extreme cases blow their fuses) and are experts at technology, with inventions that have enabled the species to talk to one another and eradicate most illnesses and social problems. The Mekkions emigrate to a new planet every time they use up its natural resources  and so far have reached as far as ‘Mekkion 11'. Mekkions also travel about using built-in wheels, which are wheely great fun. 

The Mrasianarts:

The deep-thinkers of the universe, introvert invertebrates, the Mrasianarts (from the planet Mras) are the oldest civilisation discovered to date. A race of free-thinking philosophers interested in spiritualism, they are loved and respected for their open minds and their wisdom, accessed on their planet through their invention 'the universal', an extended version of the internet which is connected to by all species and 'borrowed' by many others. Their culture, particularly their music, is perhaps the greatest in the universe and admired by many. Mras is the planet that has perhaps been most affected by the discovery of other aliens as Mrasianarts are so unused to the concepts of greed and dishonesty that they can be easily manipulated by others, while they largely gave up on the concept of capitalism long ago. Physically they are giant chitinous insects, tall and thin with wings and can play music with their back legs like grasshoppers and levitate.  

Illustrations by Under A Dreamer's Moon © Ramblers Rest Publishing 2025

Be sure to make new friends when the re-issues of books 1-7 and the new book 8 are released in March 2025! 

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Meet the 'Kindred Spirits' aliens...again (this time with illustrations!

                                  After so many years of carrying these aliens around in my head I am beyond thrilled to introduce my reader...