Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Now Available: 'Province', The Third Volume of 'Kindred Spirits'


The third volume of 'Kindred Spirits' 'Province' is now for sale!

The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire. With ten sets of friendly aliens and one ferocious enemy from outside the known universe

A hundred years on from ‘Insurgence’ and Humrasianart Eleron is the new president of The Intergalactic Peace Organisation. He should be happy – he has the perfect wife, the perfect job and lives in a near-perfect universe where nothing has gone wrong for years. However, the newly terraformed planet Decreeta is more likely to induce war in Eleron and his colleagues. That’s especially true when a new breed of species named Agrosians from the unknown side of the universe come across an Earth shuttle with a mysterious disc full of music and quickly turns his plans for peace and diplomacy upside down. Only a race against time around the ten existing planets and enlisting their co-operation stands between the newly formed peace organisation and the Agrosians ruled by their merciless Queen Calixta enslaving our half of the universe. Will everyone learn to work together in time? Just what is the mysterious Belobrat ex-head of the IPO up to? Will Eleron get to rescue his Mrasianbrat wife? Will his military general stop squeaking and come out from under his desk? Will Eleron be able to file his copy of Kinks album 'Preservation' in the Intergalactic Peace Library? Will vice-president Horace ever wake up and do some work?!? And if Eleron gets back home will things ever be the same for him again? More than just another novel, ‘Province’ is a mad house, a love song to the act of, erm, politics (what?!?) and a hope that one day it might just save us all.

Available to buy on all planets as a paperback or an e-book

Plus which alien are you? Agrosian, Belobrat, Camalosian, Clandusprod, Doosbury Giant, Habridat, Magrumph, Mekkion or Mrasianart?Take our quiz here

Exciting developments at Kindred Spirits next month!

  Prepare yourself for a book series that takes you 'out of this world' - all you have to do is open up a book or a kindle! We have ...